free speech deniers

3204 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard #136 - the Guardian, BBC and the British left disgrace themselves over Donald Trump

I despise Donald Trump for many of the things that he has said. I also explian why I believe he will not win the Republican nomination let alone the US General Election. But those who seek to deny him access to the UK are free speech deniers and are wrong. Meanwhile the coverage of this fascist attack on free speech and the 500,000 name petition (and non coverage of another 500,000 name petition) by the BBC and The Guardian and other elements of the press is shameful


3515 days ago

Hargreaves Lansdown jumps into bed with the free speech deniers & black balls ShareProphets

You would have thought that a firm of stockbrokers would want to see a critical press exposing fraud on AIM so that its clients do not lose money. But it appears that Hargreaves Lansdown (HL.) has given into the Bulletin Board jihadists and has joined other companies such as Tesco in refusing to advertise here. The same folk who have sent me death threats, smeared me and the restaurant because of what I write (fraud exposes) are trying to get this website closed down.


3519 days ago

Real Man Pizza becomes The Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House today

The jihadists of the QPPSAG and other frauds and morons have waged war against me, this website and especially our cracking Clerkenwell restaurant for 2 years as we expose crime and dishonesty in the City. Today we accelerate the fight back against the free speech deniers as the restaurant gets a makeover.

We all support free speech don’t we? But how far will you go in its defence? The staff at this restaurant know that defending free speech with words is easy but when you are in the firing line it can be rather harder.

During the past three years I have received more than 75 lawyers letters from a range of listed companies threatening me for what I have written on this website which I run with veteran Canadian journalist Darren Atwater demanding that I desist.  I have not withdrawn one allegation or article.

In the first month of 2015, three companies that I have attacked have gone bust or seen trading in their shares suspended. Over the past year I have ended the PLC careers of more than half a dozen individuals and there are more to come. Good riddance to the crony capitalists!

Only one company (Sefton, run by JimmyLiar Ellerton) has upped the ante from bullying to taking full legal action. Its chairman was fired in disgrace and it ended up paying us costs.

I have also received three death threats in the past year which you can see on the walls at the Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House ( as well as a selection of letters from bully boy lawyers including Schillings, Pinsent Masons and Memery Crystal) , we have received dog shit in the post and the staff at one City investment bank have publicly threatened to beat me up for what I wrote about the way they ripped off investors by floating fraudulent companies. I responded by going to film a video outside the bank’s Christmas party which you can see here.

The most venomous reaction 
